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Chambres d'Hôtes - Villa La Maternité

Legal notice

  • Publication manager

Stéphanie BEAUFORT for Chambres d'Hôtes - Villa La Maternité

354 rue du Bottet - 01800 VILLIEU-LOYES-MOLLON - France

Phone 06 77 15 98 88

Email maisonvlm@gmail.com

  • Website editor / Technical manager

Mike GILBLAS for Mighty Production

158 route de Saint-Nizier le Désert - 01240 Marlieux - France

Phone 04 74 42 85 64

Email mightyprods@gmail.com

  • Website owner

Gîtes de France Ain

1 Rue Robert Schuman - 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse - France

Phone 04 74 23 82 66

Email accueil@gites-de-france-ain.com

  • Website hosting

Mighty Production

158 route de Saint-Nizier le Désert - 01240 Marlieux - France

Phone 04 74 42 85 64

Email mightyprods@gmail.com

  • Copyright

Any reproduction of the content of this website, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the written permission of the author and its owner (unless specific notice).

The photos of the accommodation and any other element belonging to the owner of « Chambres d'Hôtes - Villa La Maternité » are the property of the person responsible for the publication (Stéphanie BEAUFORT) or the owner of the site (Gîtes de France Ain).

Any other material contained on this website wich does not belong to us: photos, texts, images, logos, names of products or brands quoted, etc ... are the property of their respective owners.

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  • Use and retention of personal data

This website does not collect any personal data, it neither transmits nor retains any.

Stéphanie BEAUFORT
Villa La Maternité
354 rue du Bottet

06 77 15 98 88

^ © 2017 - 2025  Gîtes de France Ain Partners Legal notice